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April 2024

1, Monday - Donuts with Directors 9:00am @ The Dwelling Place, Wharton, Wyandot
Council on Aging
2, Tuesday - Wyandot Chamber of Commerce Economic Forecast Breakfast - Doors open
at 7:30 am/Program 8:00 - 9:00 am @ Trinity Evangelical Church RSVP 0r 419-294-3349 $20
4, Thursday - Solar Eclipse Kick-off 9:00 am @ Wyandot County Courthouse lawn with
Commissioners and the Mayor
4, Thursday - Think Local First Thursday 5:00 - 7:00 pm -food trucks and shopping
4, Thursday - Colornoon Noon - 2:00 pm @ Mohawk Community Library (200 S. Sycamore Ave.,Sycamore - enjoy coloring, conversation, and light refreshments
4, Thursday - Cinderella 7:30 @ The Star Theatre, Upper Sandusky
5, Friday - The Great Pages Circus 4:30 pm and 7:30pm @ Wyandot County Fairgrounds - Adult $20, 2 children free with each paid adult additional children $3 online at
5, Friday - Cinderella 7:30 pm @ The Star Theatre, Upper Sandusky
6, Saturday - Neil Armstrong display 1:00 - 5:00 pm @ Wyandot County Museum $10
6, Saturday - The Great Pages Circus 4:30 pm and 7:30pm @ Wyandot County Fairground- Adults $20, 2 children free with each paid adult additional children $3 online at
6, Saturday - Cinderella 7:30 pm @ The Star Theatre, Upper Sandusky
7, Sunday - Neil Armstrong display 1:00 - 5:00 pm @ Wyandot County Museum $10
7,Sunday - Cinderella 2:00 pm @ The Star Theatre, Upper Sandusky
7, Sunday - The Great Pages Circus 4:30 pm and 7:30pm @ Wyandot County Fairgrounds - Adults $20, 2 children free with each paid adult additional children $3 online at
8, Monday - Total Solar Eclipse 3:11-3:15 pm @ Wyandot County - Information available at
10, Wednesday - A Cup of Coffee & Hope to Go -Steve Jackson of Beca House Coffee will present - for more information contact Debbie Dilley at 419-731-4159
10, Wednesday - The Art of Blending Tea 6:00pm @ Upper Sandusky Community Library - Rachel Dornbirer, owner of Chicory Girl Herbal Teas will present all about tea
11, Thursday - The Lunch with Friends monthly social (for individuals who have lost a spouse or partner) Contact Becky Greene @ the Hospice office by phoning 419-294-5787
11, Thursday - Craft Party 6:00 pm @ Upper Sandusky Community Library- registration required - sign up at the library, or call 419294-1345 (adults only)
15, Monday - Donuts with Directors 9:00 am @ Mohawk Community Library, Wyandot Council on Aging
15, Monday - STEAM punks "Rock Out" 5:30 pm for grades 6-12@ Upper Sandusky Community Library - Miss Patty, a rock aficionado, will tewam up with Miss Lisa to teach all about gems and crysyals - each participant will get a geode to break open and take home
16, Tuesday - Senior Connection Book Club 1:00 pm @ 124 S. Sandusky Ave.
Discussing The Guest List by Lucy Foley
16, Tuesday -Common Readers' Discussion 6:30 pm @ Upper Sandusky Community
Library - George Washington's Secret Six : The Spy Ring that Saved the
American Revolution by Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger in April
19, Friday - Designer Purse Bingo6:00 pom sponsored by United Way of North Central
Ohio (10171 OH 53) - tickets available at
20, Saturday - Biggie Smalls Cookie Decorationg Class 2:00 pm @ 120 N. Sandusky Ave. -
sponsored by Brick Alley Maker and Simply Sweet Treats by the Savage
Bakers $45 for 1 adult & 1 child - Tickets required
20, Saturday - Third Saturday Food Distribution & Community Meal 10:00am - noon @
Christian Food Pantry (120 N. 8th St. Lower Level St. Paul Lutheran Church)
22, Monday - Protecting Older Adults 10:00am @ Trinity Evangelical - Open to older
Adults, enhance awareness of scams and exploitation - free
22, Monday -Lunch Bunch - Noon @ Upper Sandusky Community Library - Bring a dish
focused on Amish Recipes- for more information call 419-294-1345
22-28, Monday - Saturday -City of Upper Sandusky Spring Clean-up - appliances can be
scheduled for pick up by calling 419-294-1343
23 & 24, Tuesday & Wednesday - Plant Swap donations @ Upper Sandusky Community Library during regular library hours
24, Wednesday - Profession Woman's Luncheon 11:30 to 1:00 pm @ Moreno's Vault, 119
W. Findlay St., Carey $25 - register before 4/15 by calling Casie at 419-
24, Wednesday - Harpster UMC Soup & Sandwich Supper 4:00 - 6:00 pm @ Harpster
Methodist Church, 17522 Cherokee St. Harpster
24, Wednesday -Inglorious Bookworms 6:30 @ Upper Sandusky Community Library -The
Outsider by Steven King
25, Thursday - End of the month Council on Aging Lunch doors open at 11:30 and event starts at noon - lunch is free - RSVP required - call 419-294-5733 to RSVP
25, Thursday -Kids' Market 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm @ Wyandot Community those under age of 18 can sell their products
25, Thursday - Bingo and Pizza 5:00 pm @ The Dwelling Place, Wharton - Wyandot Council on Aging - call 419-294-5733 to RSVP $5
25, Thursday -Flower Arranging class 6:00 pm @ Upper Sandusky Community Linrary -
Local florist Robin Schuster from Shuster's Flowers will show you how to
take those posies and turn them into a showpiece for all your entertaining or decorative needs
25 & 26, Thursday & Friday - Plant Swap @ Upper Sandusky during regular library hours
27, Saturday - May Day events 10:00 am - 12:00 for children 6-8 years old and their
parents - $5 per person
29, Monday - Wyandot Give Back, free & open-to-the-public event at recruting individuals
interested in giving back to the community 4:00 - 6:00 pm @ Upper
Sandusky Community Library - sponsored by The Retired and Senior
Volunteer Program of Wyandot County (RSVP or for more information 419-
30, Tuesday - Take "2's days" Movie 1:00 pm @ 124 S. Sandusky Ave.
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