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June 2024

2,9,16, 23, & 30 - Sundays - Ecumenical Church Service - 8:00 am @ Wyandot Mission Church
The Mission Church is open for visitors every Friday, Saturday and Sunday 1:00 - 4:00 pm
1, Saturday - Upper Sandusky Community Library Donut Day 9:00am to 12:00 pm - The first 50 adults
who sign up for the summer reading program will receive a library-branded cooler tote
and a donut. Any chid who visits the library that day will also get a donut.
1, Saturday - Wyandot County Farmers' Market 9:00 am -noon @ Harrison Smith Park
2, Sunday - Chief Billy Friend will be the speaker at the Old Mission and the celebration of the 200
anniversary of the Wyandot Mission Church @ 8:00
2, Sunday -St. Peter Festival 11:30 - 9:00 pm @ 310 N. 8th St. - food, games, & entertainment
3, Monday - Ribbon Cutting for StoryWalk at Stepping Stones at 2:00 pm You'll get the chance to be
one of the first to read the new story!
3, Monday - Mohawk Community Library is hosting an ice cream social from 4:00 - 6:00 pm THis
event serves as the kick-off tothe library's Summer Reading Program, "Adventure Begins
at Your Library."
4, Tuesday - Upper Sandusky Community Library Movie Matinee -This event is every Tuesday at 2:00
pm. ( Also Thursday June 27 @ 1:00 pm for ages 13 and up)
4, Tuesday -Mohawk Community Library will host Traveling with Kids @ 6:00 pm. Join Stacie Roby as
she gives you tips and tricks to make family road trips less stressful. Make and Take
activity binder filled with boredow besters for your next trip. registration required at 419-
5, Tuesday - Mohawk Community Library is hosting the Mohawk Matinee at 1:00 pm - snacks provided
and also June 12th & June 26th
5, Tuesday - Upper Sandusky Community Library is hosting "Mr. Moleckule's Outer Space Adventures
Science Show @ 2:00 pm
5, Tuesday - Carey Link Farmers' Market 4:00 - 7:00 pm @ Carey Depot
6, Thursday -Face Painting for children birth thru 5th grade 1:00 - 2:00 @ Dorcas Carey Library
6, Thursday - Mohawk Community Library is hosting Nature's Nursery @ 2:00 pm - Adults and
children of all ages are welcome to join us to meet some of their animal ambassadors.
6, Thursday - Upper Sandusky Community Library presents "Follow the Yellow Brick Road" an
immersive and interactive movie experience @ 5:00 pm - registration begins Monday,
May 20th.
6, Thursday - First Thursday 5:00 - 7:00 @ Downtown Upper Sandusky
8, Saturday - Kids' Fishing Derby 8:00 am - 11:00am (16 years and younger) @ Harrison Smith Park -
sponsored by Wyandot County Rod & Gun Club free hot dogs & t-shirts, & lots of prizes
8, Saturday - Adult Dungeon & Dragon 9:00 -Noon @ Mohawk Community Library- Participants are
encouraged to bring a laptopand create a Roll20 account before attending - register by
Thursday, June 6 - 419-927-2407
8, Saturday - Wyandot County Farmers' Market 9:00 am -noon @ Harrison Smith Park
8 & 9, Saturday & Sunday - Overland Inn, McCutchenville wedding dress and plate show 1:00 - 4:30
9, Sunday - Service at Old Mission Church 8:00 am Speaker: Pastor Amy Vittorio
9, Sunday - Trinity UCC, McCutchenville Chicken BBQ 11:30 - 1:00pm - Drive thru Only- Tickets must be
purchased in advanced (by June 5th) - call 419-981-5808.
10 - 15 , Monday - Saturday -Vacation Bible School for 3 yrs. -8th grade -9:00 - Noon @ Transfiguration
Upper Sandusky / ST. Mary's (Kirby) - register at
10, Monday - Join Stacie on a backyard adventure exploring the natural world 7:00 pm @ circulation
desk, Mohawk Community. Library
10, Monday - Dominoes 1:00 - 2:00 @ Dorcas Carey Library
11, Tuesday - Bicycle Helmet Giveaway at Library Fun Day 2:00 - 5:00 pm @ Waterworks Park, Carey
12, Wednesday - Upper Sandusky Community Library hosts Angie Ford from WIND BENEATH MY
12, Wednesday - Upper Sandusky Community Library Yard Sale 3:00 - 6:00 pm in the library's front
yard - items are sold as is.
12, Wednesday - Carey Link Farmers' Market 4:00 - 7:00 pm @ Carey Depot
13, Thursday - Lunch with Friends monthly Social (for individuals who have lost a spouse or partner -
participants purchase their own meals for more information call Becky Green at the
Hospice office 419-294-5787
13, Thursday -Upper Sandusky Community Library paint party 1:00 pm with Miss Lisa ( just for kids
and teens) to create your own materpiece on canvas - rgistration required
Also - (adults only) 6:00 pm - create a brilliant geode planter votive - to register call 419-
14, Friday - Natalie's Lemonade Stand & bake sale - outside of Community First Bank -sponsored by
Monica Wisser-American Family Insurance for Open Door.
14, Friday - Food Truck and Sidewalk Sales 11:00 - am -2:oo pm @ Uptown Carey
14 & 15, Friday & Saturday - Star Kids' production of Disney's Beauty and the Beast Jr. 7:00 pm @ The
Star Theatre (tickets required)
15, Saturday - Wyandot County Farmers' Market 9:00 am -noon @ Harrison Smith Park
16, Sunday - Service at Old Mission Church 8:00 am Speaker:Pastor Jim Stauffer
17 - 21, Monday - Friday -Nevada Community VBS 6:00 - 8:15 @ Nevada Community Church (ages Prek
- 6th grade)
18, Tuesday - Common Readers 6:30 pm @ Upper Sandusky Community Library - The Secret Book of
Flora Lea by Patti Callahan Henry
18, Tuesday -Carey Page Turners 6:30 @ Dorcas Carey Library
19, Wednesday - Carey Link Farmers' Market 4:00 - 7:00 pm @ Carey Depot
19, Wednesday - 3rd Wednesday in Crey 4:00 - 7:00 pm @ Uptown Carey (store Specials, food trucks
and more)
20, Thursday - St. Peter's School Rummage Sale 8:00 am - 6:00 pm @ St. Peter's Gym - Also 06/21 &
06/22 9:00 - noon
20, Thursday - Interactive movie night @ Upper Sandusky Community Library buffet at 5:30, movie
starts at 5:45 registration required 419-294-1345
20, Thursday - Thursday Night at the Museum -"Honoring the American Boys of D-Day" -presented by
WCHS Board President, Bonnie Eyestone 7:00 @ Wyandot County Museum
21, Friday - St. Paul Lutheran Church Rummage Sale 9:00 am - 6:00pm ; Also 06/22 9:00 am - noon
22, Saturday - Wyandot County Farmers' Market 9:00 am -noon @ Harrison Smith Park
23, Sunday - Service at Old Mission Church 8:00 am Speaker: Janet Dunlap
24 -28, Monday - Friday -The Lutheran Churches of Upper Sandusky VBS ( pre k - 6th grade 9:00 - 11:30
@ 601 N. Sandusky Ave.
24, Monday - Upper Sandusky Community Library Lunch Bunch 12:00 pm - bring a dish you'd take to
a picnic & the recipe
25, Tuesday - The Grief Support Group meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at 5:30 pm at
Trinity Evangelical Church - for more information call the Hospice office at 419-294-5787
25, Tuesday - Retired Teachers' Meeting 12:00 @ Trinity Evangelical Church to register or for more
information, call 419-294-7609
26, Wednesday - Upper Sandusky Community Library Pet Show and Tell 10:00 - 11:00 in the back yard
of the library Must register to bring pets.
26, Wednesday - Inglorious Bookworms will be reading Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire
Discussion is at 6:00 pm at Don Tomasso's restaurant.
26, Wednesday - Carey Link Farmers' Market 4:00 - 7:00 pm @ Carey Depot
27, Tuesday - Upper Sandusky Community Library hosts Vickkie Mustad from Laughing Gourd Studio
at 6:00 pm - learn how to make and point a gourd birdhouse - must register for this
29, Saturday - Wyandot County Farmers' Market 9:00 am -noon @ Harrison Smith Park
30, Sunday - Service at Old Mission Church 8:00 am Speaker:Jay Scott
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